According to a Wrist Carrying a Bird

I bend down and suck
my own words off the page
ron padgett

1. SUB-

what I really want to be is sub-
he asked me about in
you like don't you
whispered while

to me
thrilling how he that

can't get of my
& what he called -- my
keep thinking I'll
he'll be on his
he'll me out for
& then we'll have
but he's a very
I can't

but I want with
I appreciate how

2. OR OR

censor me I want you in my arms
now I'm going to
how I am because of both
and my
how they are
and I a lot too

maybe I'm too
for or or maybe he's too

or or

maybe I should -- it would be
stop to find
and as for and
if only I
if only


scale this wall guarded by longbows
(note: nothing else survived)


liberation and new weather
today for the first
I am truly from
I can't describe how it
and he's pleases no end

today turning my to my
try to get
deal with
get him
the other


but they are only
I can see in them
as when new falls


c'mon c'mon c'mon touch me baby
trying to remember
how and I made
he when he

sometimes I was
he always
& often

but his -- so

if that
was, wasn't enough


screams in the cathedral of ire
afraid to my
but I can tell
in the sanctity of these stained
#1 -- I had alied about
made up a story to
how explain such apse
can't be done and
is my other

prone to
I used to?
is really all to hide?

enough to this fledgling though
of that


dungeon of past & god love the future
heard tell how
poor as –
that cost too much & never
could become or anything else required
like or
so sad is

would have been much and would have become
but the lying around came in
from old

became my
and gave that some night call

even turning into a silk

no was ever to --
and if a proud now
succeeded and excelled without
so if want to to know know:

sometimes very
young & hurt &
dear reading turning the
dreaming the
and false
(though will humbled

when death)


trumpet-flowers hanging on babylon
rainy but
I have to go with a real
drives and comes
and can even get courting
not though there are no and suspect

forget my
so long as keep shut he'll
accept perhaps. will be

dig his soft and in his face
don't know what did about
sometimes fear

(sometimes want to curl in & only
think stalking suppose
embarrassing & not really) --
just too much too much of everywhere --


grandmother in the grand piano singing

This profound was taught to me
by wipe and keep your washed.How expensive are? I'd like to ride
with you and stink

Like to get
very with you can you?

If not go on my bloody
lackaday crying lackaday
all the bloody is a flung over me.
Getting will require extraordinary.

Once did not exist
(this this this

will not be again)
& once again will not exist.


I Atahualpa offer you a chamber filled with
you offer in spite of
you are not for this
of this future
why do we together
so -- it's not right

in case we eventually will?
does happen like this? after a long?
I'd like to you & will try to
but I don't know with
if such can happen between
two who have nothing is
and my do you know how I
I knew when you saw my wooden god

11. A FISH

a fish by joseph stella on the wall
standing at standing alone

think I was cooking
looked at my
do I have a sense what is the

I would appraise after with my
at 250,000
why very much
should I be
should I be now
should I jump

such sometimes used to
so many though
like now instead

I lowered and fell into
so sad and I knew why because of your

what is
so heavy on
lowered my
& not mattering
which does not leave
does not



terrible hard & awful he steps from inferno
on after a couple
you began and I finally
what is really you
your which is this:

you have almost yourself
getting to see your
you have on a devil-

you have every of the way
has been
you are by no means
deep in still you have yourself

you may even be of now
brought out and in you
because you so much

this is your
and I
wanting to show you


lost in the fjord of time
yes you your
yes I ignored
but I did
over time I what you
me to realize -- and this is
--that you are beyond

this is your
whether true or not; let me
speak these which are about

to be.
The problem is that you are.


when the replenishing
and will so soon spread & vine
under the nuggety where the whiteglow
fractionals of how wake & think

think & wake
what about a fullout
what about a
fullout what about a fullout

would this: my
have been complete for
ever since came to
have been so of this

small really

only know how to
only know how to

this swear transform

like rainy will for
quit untouch

become resolve
become somehow
and have throughout
& now
my my the do love


15. A BIRD

according to a wrist carrying a bird
lead feathers white must be laid

at once easily broken or
sprained and then cannot
the night
oh look how far which is
for the pocked forearm & now
has turned
silly and written

-- because has not laid down yet
spraining straining breaking his
like a bird
but continues to carry as his crack --when finally sets down
knows no good will ever from his
two who were there for the carrying

but now have been set down
alive feathers white
of logic

meantime his fast flies
shocking actually


swearoff would away go & close come
away & nearby stay

this ongoing

like washing up flat otters
much must now be
for about to speak
absolute wet

that none of
no makes feel sure want to
after with

wake with intimacy is
when have
intimate with

maybe can only be once a flowerful

hope even & still)


sit down I think I love you
remembering like that 60's

what love-learning is it or your
platform marijuana eyes

lesson one:

look for every
because need to know how about
& if about at all now that

has gone for dangles
no no as if need to know how


how felt ask
how felt yes

lesson of
stark tuskmasker

about yes that's
these require
(because quick fox can't jump fullout)

until a door


in white firelight I recollect dear deer deep
at this time want to to be to be to want to
to go adventuring on or in a deep have been in
deep you know have been very very white

you know were & sometimes think never

be white
again without your

but you know was always so
a deep gritty from noon till night

no matter how much deep drink
is so satisfying & honorable

can go to & find new white right now
but & not the new deep either
can touch
not to have

that of in in in
my deep o my white


intense global cooling do you feel lack of
alone with not wanting to roll against and smash

against intense thinking about
the morose frightening so quickly went smash so with
understood intense deep and workedundressed rapidly and on smash had with
believe his smash intense will never be equalled it's


there is always smash
but don't want that yet
which leaves intense who occasionally have mild

and smash honey ain't yet have out
like intense
most to all the unacceptable
& too will be left smash if can't inject some intense
